Individual Coaching

PeonyCoaching makes life’s challenges more manageable.

One-on-one coaching is your chance to come first. You matter the most here, and your goals are the purpose of this work. You bring the intention, and I have the tools.

Look: you could do it independently if you had to. I know it, and deep down, so do you. You’re strong, reasonable, and wise enough to face awful challenges and solve complex problems without a coach. I see your capability, and I feel your power. So I know you don’t NEED a coach. I know you are already enough.

But how much better would it feel to overcome hardship and build your beautiful dreams with someone to hold you on that path? How handy would it be to have some somatic tools in your pocket custom-chosen for you? And how much further could you get than merely surviving what’s hard?

You don’t have to do it alone. You don’t have to figure this out by trial and error. Together, we can go deeper, farther, and faster than you’d ever go alone.

Here’s my approach.

We meet for 75 minutes weekly on Zoom, providing time to catch up and do some somatic work. As I listen closely, I redirect and interrupt more than a therapist would. Somatic tools don’t always need the whole story. We only need enough to drop in and know which direction to go.

Dropping in is meditative and involves entering a trance state. The process allows you to naturally focus attention, sometimes through self-touch, breath, or movement. You are under control during the process and may move or speak anytime.

The drop-in will leave you feeling grounded and clear, and from there, we can explore our process of the day. There are many different processes. Sometimes, we will plan what we are doing; other days, I will lead based on how you come into the session at the outset to meet your immediate needs best.

Whichever process we use, there’s a lot of focus on the body – your feelings and wisdom. If the prompts don’t make sense, we change them to something that fits because everyone’s somatic experience differs. You lead the language as I lead the exercise.

I like to email notes and practices after each session. These notes record our process and your insights, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything. If you don’t want such delicate info in your inbox, tell me before we start work, and I won’t send notes, only practices.

Practices generally include a meditation or somatic process that you can do on your own time each week. Some people do it daily, and others never do it. I dial in the homework at a rate that feels right for you. Even if you do not have time to do weekly practice as homework, you can save the emailed practices for the future to support you when you have completed your coaching.

Individual Img 2So, what kind of problems could benefit from coaching?

Some problems involve unbearable situations like loss, grief, illness, pain, and relationship rifts.

Then there are the situations where it has been bad for so long that you’ve almost gotten used to it, including burnout, dissatisfaction, identity crisis, sexual dysfunction, exhaustion, persistent shame, or worry.

Some common problems women, in particular, face include loss of a child, infertility, birth injury, abortion, life transitions like giving birth and menopause, and a loss of purpose and sense of self. I have considerable experience helping women process these challenges.

Sometimes, you might also want my help in situations where everything is fine, but you’re ready to do great things – career transformation, activism, creativity, and invention.

If you’re in a crisis, coaching can help you survive. Once you’ve survived your crisis, coaching can help you flourish beyond anything you’ve dared to imagine.

Coaching makes a difference.

Having someone on your side who is nonjudgmental, willing to listen, and has the skills and tools to help you process the challenges in life makes a world of difference. If you’ve been unfortunate to experience a fertility crisis, knowing your coach has been through it herself can mean everything.

I’m here.

Let’s talk. We’ll clarify your desires and design an approach that meets your needs.