Somatic Coaching

20lichenLearning how to find your emotions in your body changes everything.

When you’re in touch with your emotions but disconnected from your body, you get stuck in your head. Learning to feel your feelings inside your body changes everything.

In somatic coaching, my job is to guide you out of the chaos of your mind and back home to your physical body.

“I feel angry!”

Good,” I will say. “Where do you feel THAT in your body?”

“What!? I think I feel sad!”

How does sadness feel in your body?

“Now I feel frustrated!”

Excellent. What are the qualities of frustration in your body? What is the physical constellation of sensations you feel when frustrated?

“I guess it feels tight in my stomach.”

YES! That is a sensation. Now we’re rolling.

Let’s unleash your body’s secrets.

Somatic = of the body. Your body is wise beyond measure. It holds every key, shortcut, and all the many secrets you need to find your way to who and how you want to be.

You may have been to therapy before, sitting on a couch and talking for 50 minutes weekly. The type of therapy where a very kind person nods and takes notes, asks a few questions, and says very little. Maybe it helped. And perhaps it didn’t.

Somatic coaching differs from therapy – you will move with the sound. You will drop deep into trance states and explore worlds within you. You will learn to feel every cell of your body alive and vibrating. You will feel MORE than you’ve ever felt before. We will stretch you to feel all the way sad so that you can open to feeling all the way happy, too.

You will find peace in the center of hard feelings through somatic coaching. You will befriend your anger and jealousy, too. Sometimes, you will feel like a fairy tale full of characters, and other times you may feel as vast and peaceful as a starry night sky stretching forever in all directions. This work is dynamic, poetic, and creative.

MonarchMake the connection.

Somatic coaching is exciting, scary, mind-blowing, and sometimes fun.

Look: it’s a little hard to put felt-sense work into words, but I know this is true: You can’t think your way out of every problem. Being moved requires feeling some things as well. You are here to get unstuck, move forward, grow, and change. And it will happen quicker than you think.

But now it’s time for you to take that first step.

Let’s talk about how I can help you learn your body – and all its feelings.

Client Quotes:

“I feel so much lighter. I faced something I was avoiding feeling all the way. I have found resolve, self forgiveness, and understanding. I used to feel haunted by my experience and they feelings that resulted after and now I feel strong in my decision, understand the grief process better and have more courage to lean into it. The biggest thing is I dont think about it any more and I have much deeper trust with my higher self.”
R. who used somatic coaching to integrate her abortion

“I honestly feel like Kate has saved my life. I am not exaggerating. There were many days I wanted to die before this coaching. Imagine being surrounded by noise, but buried in a deep dark hole. So buried you cant see any light, your bodys numb, and youre suffocating. Thats where I was. I see light now. So basically shes a freakingodsend.”
A. a baby-lost mama who came to this work around her first anniversary of loss

“I wanted to try this coaching because I knew that traditional talk therapy wasn’t going to work (I did that for several years after [my son] died), and also because there were some things I wasn’t comfortable talking about with “normal” therapists or doctors. So many of my problems centered around my body and sex, and I wasn’t sure that a “normal” approach would actually help.  This helped.

I’m a more optimistic or happier person now. I still have PTSD and grief, and probably always will, but my depression has lessened.”
– K. who came to this work three years after losing her son in the NICU